Small Groups, Classes, and Programs

If you want to get together with people to talk about spiritual growth, study religious ideas, hold a class, lead a program, plan ways to serve others, or just get together, then check out what we have to offer or start something new.

There are many in-person and online small groups, classes, and programs going on in and around our buildings throughout the year. Here are some of the offerings we have now. Reach out to us now and join one! Or contact us to start your own! To see a full list of our upcoming events, or to find out exactly when things are scheduled, take a look at our events page.

Groups and Classes

Bible Study: Secrets of Heaven

When: Wednesdays (September- May) 10:30-11:30am

Where: The Lake Lounge (enter through doors C or D)



This is a discussion-based exploration of the Bible (The Word) and its eternal and internal meaning. The format is very simple: we read a little bit, and then talk about the reading. If you're interested in searching out a more spiritual connection to the Bible, the people around you, and the Lord, then this is a good place to start. Contact Rev. Mark Pendleton to join.

Online Small Groups

When: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm

Where: email Rev. Elmo Acton to join and get link.




Our Easter Readings Group was a great success. Our next group will run for four weeks from August 22nd-September 12th. This group will be discussing the meaning and power of the Lord's Prayer. We limit the online group to 8 (or 9), so join fast!

In-person Small Groups

When: Whenever you want it to be.

Where: Wherever you want it to be.

About: Whatever you are interested in.



The New Church is all about getting people together. We welcome small groups of all kinds into our buildings. Contact us and lets get started bringing people together. Email our front desk or Rev. Elmo Acton to start a new in-person small group!

Programs and Events

These are just a few of our connection-and-community oriented offerings.

Potluck Lunch

When: once a month on a Sunday immediately after church

Where: the assembly hall or picnic outside

Good food is one of the best tools for building happy communities. Potlucks are a fun social event for the whole family; bring a dish to share and enjoy an extended visit with others! See when the next one is here.