
This is where you can find updates on important changes, as well as the latest copy of our newsletter.

Park News

Park News

The Park News includes religious reflections from the pastors, announcements and updates from the Glenview New Church community, and closes with something to make you laugh. It's published monthly (except over summer), and you can read it here, or you can receive it either in print or by email. If you'd like to subscribe to the Glenview Park News, all you need to do is contact us and let us know how you'd like to receive it.

To access our monthly church newsletter click on this link: 2025-Park News
You can then download a pdf of our current monthly edition.

Submissions for announcements, notices and congregation news can be made via email to

Drop off your submission in person through our mail slot and write "Park News mailbox" on the envelope or you can send the submission to:

Park News, 74 Park Drive, Glenview, IL 60025

Submission deadline: 15th of each month prior to publication.