Search Results: FC

You're welcome to join us as we explore and discuss the teachings of the New Church.

Online Arcana Study Class

This class is led by Rev. Michael Cowley, and its format is very simple: the group reads through the book Arcana Coelestia one little bit at a time, pausing frequently to discuss, question, and clarify. The book Arcana Coelestia (Latin for “Secrets of Heaven”) deals primarily with the inner or symbolic meaning of Genesis and Exodus, the first […]

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Buildings and campus

Here is some of the indoor and outdoor spaces our church has to offer: Our fields Want to rent a field for an event or program? To reserve and rent a space, email Judy Recht. Our Auditorium and Sanctuary Interested in holding a baptism, marriage, or memorial service in one of our worship spaces? To […]

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Park News Park NewsThe Park News includes religious reflections from the pastors, announcements and updates from the Glenview New Church community, and closes with something to make you laugh. It’s published monthly (except over summer), and you can read it here, or you can receive it either in print or by email. If you’d like […]

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Volunteer opportunities at the Glenview New Church include acts of service for the wider community, leading your own spiritual growth group, starting or joining a community club of your interest, coordinating church gatherings, helping with holiday pageants and decorating, helping with our school events, serving on committees, serving on the board of directors, and many […]

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Small Groups, Classes, and Programs

There are many in-person and online small groups, classes, and programs going on in and around our buildings throughout the year. Here are some of the offerings we have now. Reach out to us now and join one! Or contact us to start your own! To see a full list of our upcoming events, or […]

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Meet The Pastors

Mark Pendleton Senior Pastor Degree: Masters of Divinity (MDiv.), Academy of the New Church Theological School; BS in Physical Therapy, Temple University Mark worked for three years as a licensed Physical Therapist before returning to school for his MDiv. In February of 2016 he became Senior Pastor of the Glenview New Church. Prior to that […]

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Life Issues

The New Church teaches that God wants everyone to live useful, healthy, fulfilling lives—and that He never abandons anyone to figure life out on their own. The world we live in can be confusing, and our lives are sometimes very difficult. Religion is not a miracle drug that makes problems go away in an instant. […]

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Glenview New Church is a congregation of the New Church, a New Christianity that teaches God’s timeless message with renewed clarity. We’re here to help people discover and develop a personal relationship with a loving God, and we believe that what God wants for us, as Christians and as human beings, is to lead loving, […]

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About Us

The New Church, a new Christianity, teaches that there is one God, whom we know as the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God created the universe and everything in it because He is love itself, and that religion is to be lived, not just believed. The New Church is based on the teachings of […]

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